Turtle Watching

Sri Lanka is globally recognized as one of the few places in the world where you can observe marine turtles in their natural habitat. Five out of seven of the world’s marine turtle species are found in Sri Lanka and making it an ideal country to go Turtle Watching. Turtles are very nervous when they are looking for a place to nest and can, therefore, be easily scared. The Turtle can only be approached when she starts laying the eggs because by then she is engaged in a very mechanical, almost trance-like behavior and it is unlikely for her to be frightened by spectators.

Kosgoda, is a small coastal village in the southwest of the country where you can enjoy your day with amazing beaches and Turtles. Enjoy visiting the Kosgoda Turtle Hatcheries and get a chance to see sea turtles of various species in the different stages of their lives. Help feed the turtles or volunteer for a first-hand experience with these interesting creatures.

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